Should I take an IgG Food Sensitivity Test for my digestive concerns?
First of all what is IgG food sensitivity and how does it defer from an allergy (IgE testing)?
While both involve immune responses, they function in distinct ways. Food sensitivities trigger "delayed hypersensitivity" reactions, typically manifesting within two hours to three days after consuming the offending food. Food sensitivities are classified as "non-IgE immune mediated reactions," setting them apart from the conventional allergy symptoms like hives, itching, and anaphylaxis commonly linked to IgE-mediated allergies.
Let’s say we ruled out true IgE allergies / or maybe we don’t necessarily have symptoms of true allergies - why not test for IgG food sensitivities?
To put it lightly, this subject stirs considerable debate within the realm of "wellness” world, though I believe it shouldn’t. It's crucial that we strive for improvement and refrain from eliminating foods unnecessarily from individuals' diets. I'm concerned that tests like these may be causing more hard than good for a vast amount of people.
Rather than centering this post on my personal opinion, let's focus on the findings from research. The available evidence indicates that there's a lack of support for IgG food sensitivities and most experts do not endorse their use.
In fact, the literature currently suggests that the presence of specific IgG antibodies to food is thought to indicate a person's exposure and tolerance to those foods. This concept has been observed in individuals participating in studies related to oral immunotherapy. This means that positive test results for food-specific IgG are actually expected in both normal, healthy adults and children.
Many experts raise concerns about relying solely on IgG food sensitivity tests because:
They are expensive - Tests can range from $400-900.
High risk of false diagnosis - Meaning that if a food shows up as being a sensitivity (it may not actually be a true sensitivity) - which leads to unnecessary dietary restrictions, which can have negative consequences for a person's quality of life, overall health, and nutritional status
Can lead to disordered eating behaviours and nutrient deficiencies: Relying on these tests and following these unnecessary dietary restrictions can lead to and contribute to disordered eating patters. Which may or may not (likely though) lead to deficiencies in key nutrients.
The Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (CSACI) provides a well-considered position on this topic if you would like to read a little more on this topic. Read here
When it comes to prioritizing and optimizing your digestive health, it's essential to be well-informed about the potential drawbacks of relying on IgG food sensitivity testing. It is also very important to seek our evidence based strategies. If you have been struggling with your digestion, done food sensitivity testing or eliminated foods from your diet without success, know there are solutions that do not need to comprise your quality of life. Let’s chat!